Media contact:
Jennifer Leckstrom
RoseComm for Modern States
[email protected]


Articles Campus Technology

College Program Promotes ‘Freshman Year for Free’

A free “on-ramp” to college has just opened. The Modern States Education Alliance, a group of public colleges and universities, has posted a set of on-demand college classes that wannabe-students can take for no cost, including digital textbooks used in the courses. When they feel ready, those same students can take the College-Level Exam Program […]

Articles RealClearLife

Free College Is Now Here … Really

Something important happened in the field of education this month. For the first time ever, any student anywhere can take top-quality courses online in every major freshman college subject, taught by professors from the most prestigious universities, that lead to full academic credit at 2,900 traditional colleges, such as Purdue, Penn State, Colorado State and […]

Articles The College Fix

New program offers a free year of college if students pay for the tests

With four-year college graduation rates hovering between 19 and 36 percent, some organizations are trying to hurry students along by giving them low-cost alternatives to the classroom. A new effort that launched last week even tries to entice students by offering them their “Freshman Year for Free.” The nonprofit Modern States Education Alliance provides more […]

Articles Bloomberg

In the Hamptons, a Financier Talks Housemates and College Credit

Steve Klinsky knows how Goldman Sachs careers can arc and bend. In the 1990s, Robert Kaplan and Phil Murphy were his roommates in a share house in Sagaponack. Kaplan is now Dallas Fed president, Murphy is running for governor of New Jersey, and Klinsky, 17 years into helming his own private equity firm, has created […]

Articles Teens Got Cents

Can’t Afford College? Get Your Freshman Year for Free!!!

A few months ago I heard about a program called ‘Freshman Year For Free’. Really? I almost didn’t even bother to look it up because it sounded way too good to be true. I’m so glad I did! If you can’t afford college but really want to work on getting a degree this is a […]

Press Releases Modern States

Modern States Launches “Freshman Year For Free”, Tuition-free College-level Courses For Credit In All Major Freshman Subjects

Philanthropy Provides Free Online Classes and Textbooks to Earn Credit Through the College Board’s AP and CLEP Exam Programs; Also Offers to Pay Test Fees for First 10,000 Students. Modern States Education Alliance, a philanthropy dedicated to making a college degree more affordable and attainable for everyone, today announced a key milestone: the first-ever catalog […]

Articles The Chronicle Of Higher Education

New Venture Will Offer Free Courses That Students Can Take for College Credit

Students looking to claim college credit without paying anything for the classes now have another option, courtesy of a project called Freshman Year for Free. The venture, being formally unveiled on Wednesday, includes a catalog of online courses in more than 40 subjects that were developed by academics affiliated with major universities across the country. […]

Articles Reuters

Your Money: How college fast-trackers save time and money

For most students, getting their college bachelor’s degree takes four years. For some, five. For Michelle Schroeder-Gardner? Three. The 28-year-old financial blogger from St. Louis graduated in business administration and management in 2010, and then later got a finance MBA. By stacking credits while still in high school and taking a heavy course load in […]

Press Releases Modern States

We’ve Extended Our Offer to Provide CLEP Vouchers

Modern States Freshman Year For Free OPPORTUNITY FOR STUDENTS TO EARN FREE COLLEGE CREDIT A new, high-quality path to free college credit is launching this year. The goal of the pilot program, dubbed “Freshman Year for Free,” is to make college more accessible and affordable for high school students, college students and adult learners, including […]

Articles Teens Got Cents

Freshman Year For Free!

Source: Freshman Year For Free! BY EVA Freshman year for free? Yes! And yes, I mean FREE. No catches, no gimmicks, FREE! If you have visited TGC’s for any length of time you know there are very few things that really get me fired up. I mean, over the top giddy, and I am so […]

Articles RealClearPolitics

How to Really Make College Free

Source:  RealClearPolitics As President-elect Trump reviews policy ideas to help poor and working class citizens and to “make America great again”, there is one education idea that is both exceptionally simple to implement and exceptionally valuable. Namely, create a national digital public library of online college courses, available to everyone on a tuition free basis. […]

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Freshman Year for Free

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